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Visit these links to learn more about the issues and contexts of refugee crises and innovative finance


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is the first port of call for refugees after they have fled their country. NEF’s Siraj Centres operate in close coordination with UNHCR offices and other local NGOs and public social services which can help people access the support they need.

Data on forced displacement
Information on the Syrian crisis
Information on refugee livelihoods

International Labour Organization

The only tripartite U.N. agency, the ILO brings together governments, employers, and workers of 187 member states. It sets labour standards, develops policies and devises programmes promoting decent work for all women and men.The ILO’s research on refugee livelihoods investigates market-based interventions for refugees and how organisations can help pave the way towards better livelihoods.

ILO data on refugees

Siraj Centres

Siraj Centres are community hubs that offer livelihood services. NEF operates through these centres by providing trainings, resources and referrals. In doing so, NEF is supporting community-driven opportunities for safe and productive income generation.

Siraj Centre Brief

The Welfare of Syrian Refugees: Evidence from Jordan and Lebanon

About half of registered Syrian refugees living in Jordan and Lebanon are children. Over half of refugees in the two countries are women and girls. Seven out of ten registered Syrian refugees living in Jordan and nine out of ten in Lebanon could be considered poor. This report by the World Bank highlights key livelihood challenges refugees face.

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Innovative Finance for Development report

This report by InterAction, intended originally for NGOs, highlights key Innovative Finance for Development instruments and how they have been, or can be, used.

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Brookings Institute Impact Bond data

The Brookings Institute has been researching and tracking data on impact bonds since 2014. Explore their database for independent information on impact bonds and outcome funds.

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Blended finance toolkit

Social and Development Impact Bonds are part of the Blended Finance toolkit of instruments.

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Frequently asked questions

What if this is successful, should all support for humanitarian projects be structured in this way?
If the guarantor can end up paying 106% of the amount, wouldn't it be more beneficial for the humanitarian projects if you gave all the 106% directly to the projects instead?
In what way, then, is there more or new money for the area?
Wouldn't this model always need a guarantee from a fund or similar?
The form of investment is quite new. Do you have evidence that it has a greater impact than traditional development aid?
Is it morally justifiable in this way to make the humanitarian project an object of investment when human lives are at stake?
Does the investor in the cooperation contribute anything other than money? For example competences
What are the benefits of having an investor on board for the specific project?
Why is it necessary to give a bonus to the operator for a job well done?
Couldn't you just give the full amount to the operator/NGO without a private investor as intermediary?
How much does the investor stand to gain from this project and at what risk?

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